Listening Bias
Before you can really hear what another person is saying, it is important that you acknowledge your own biases, opinions, or limitations. All of us have them. It is part of what makes us who we are. The challenge is to recognize them, questions them, and discard the ones that aren’t useful to us or the Mom we are supporting.
Biased listening (or selective listening) is just listening for information that the listener wants to hear. They are not honestly evaluating the validity of the speaker’s opinions, but rather looking to confirm the previously held biases.
People are often unaware that they are using a biased listening process. Biased listening can lead to a distortion of facts in the mind of a listener who is not tuned in to what their mentee intends to communicate.

Being a peer mentor isn’t about solving people’s problems or telling them what to do. Very few people even want that! It is about listening to them, sharing what has worked for you, and giving them an outlet and someone to talk to who has been in their shoes.
No one can do this alone. Motherhood is about having a village.
If you ever find yourself having a hard time supporting a mom in a particular situation, that’s ok! It just means that this may not be a good fit. Let us know. We are happy to help you resolve the situation.