YANA Overview
Strong Mamas, Thriving Babies Program Overview
Peer Mom - What is Peer Mentoring?
Identifying Compassion Fatigue
Mental Health 101
Barriers to Care
Red Flags and Screening Tools
Peer Roles and Responsibilities
Available Resources
Using the Volunteer Portal
Final Slides & Certificate of Completion
Your Wellbeing Matters!
This section is to remind you of the importance of taking care of yourself. You can also share ideas with the moms you speak with to make sure they are taking care of themselves.
Motherhood is HARD! It is hard on every mother, but everyone finds meaning in their own experiences. What you have gone through is your unique perspective and can be a gift to your mentee. You know that for all the sadness, anger, loss, loneliness, confusion, and fear being a mother brings, there are also moments of profound joy and gratitude. People are resilient. You are proof of that. Never underestimate the power of your story and what it can mean to another mother.